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with EM Rapid Bombs - Emergency Medicine Board Review Question and Answer Podcast

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Study guides

I really enjoy your study guides! Could we get more study guides and update on the environmental study guides soon? Thankyou so much!

Sodium Bicarbonate dilemma

Hello, I have a few questions about the administration of sodium bicarbonate in patients with metabolic acidosis, such as those with DKA or CKD. We're facing a dilemma regarding when to administer sodium bicarbonate. Should we base our decision on the clinical appearance of the patient or strictly on ABG or VBG results? What is the consensus on the pH level at which sodium bicarbonate should be given? Some sources suggest a pH of 6.9, while others, especially critical care colleagues, recommend administering it at a pH below 7.2. Additionally, some internal medicine colleagues suggest administering sodium bicarbonate based on clinical signs like Kussmaul respirations. Lastly, could you advise on the appropriate dosage of sodium bicarbonate? I apologize for the multitude of questions, and thank you in advance. I'm a big fan of your podcast!

Compilation of Episodes with hyperlink

When providing the brief bomb...can the refenced Episode be hyperlink.

AICD and Pacemaker

I would like to hear a future episode on these topics. Thanks.

Unable to play rapid bombs

Why do I receive the message: unable to play try later?