Ask Me Anything

with EM Rapid Bombs - Emergency Medicine Board Review Question and Answer Podcast

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Abdominal pain or Adominal pain

Three ask me anything questions: 1. I've always been curious if Blake says the B after the A in abdominal pain 2. Is there a way to synchronize the audio during each pod because I've noticed the audio levels vary quite a bit and sometimes it's a bit hard to understand during drives in the car. 3. How can I get involved with pods or content creation? Would like to contribute as a new attending learning soooooo much about community medicine after training in an ivory tower :)


I would Love to Listen to a hypophosphatemia episode. Today i encountered a patient and was impressed how deleterious effects this elektrolyte imbalance can have. Wasnt tought in medschool Greetings

Atraumatic Neck Pain

1. Thanks for the Great Episode about Hypophosphatemia, really like the Pearl about Low specificity/diffuse nature of the Hypophosphatemia Symptoms but to know who you should suspect having this Electrolyte abnormality 2. i wanted to ask you if you could an Episode of atraumatic posterior neck Pain since it is a very Common complaint Thank you! Your Podcast is just amazing!

Post-tonsillectomy bleeding

Hello, I would love to have episode about this. Major is obvious referral to OR-ENT But what about minor, what can we do in the ED, can we risk stratify them? Are there differences between children en adult?


Recently i came a Cross Minoca and found it difficult to grasp it in Clinical context and pathophys. Would Love to Listen to an episode of How you guys encounter this in the ED Setting.